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Katie Lewis.

'Attracted to the light'

My designs are derived from various insects that have a reaction to light, a reaction that makes them move whether they are attracted or repelled by it.

I studied these movements and took the negative spaces created by their body and wings, turning them into 2 dimensional static forms, mimicking the movement and paths the insects make in response to a mass of light.

The mass of light is situated within the centre of each piece of work, and is the functional element to each piece, and also the main focus, casting shadows upon the surroundings.

The insect inspired forms have been worked into large clip on lamp shades, table lamps and flat packable lamp shade designs in a wide range of materials cut by laser. The material range includes felt, acrylic, elastic and polypropylene. These materials have a texture or move, many of which are opaque resembling the textures and bodies of the different insects in question.


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