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Samantha Emily Alland.

'The Hare'

Through my artwork I strive to portray the idea of narrative, which generally takes me into the realms of fantasy and the surreal. I have always had a keen interest in curio, the supernatural and biology, especially that within the animal kingdom and the workings of the human brain. Much of my work is centered around how we as humans interact with the world around us, in our perception of it, and the clever tricks the brain produces to deal with everyday life.


This project, consisting of ceramic, cast bronze and 22 carat gold leaf, explores the many symbolisms linked with the hare. Many cultures have their own story/myths surrounding the hare, but in each there are links with fertility, new life and more importantly, the Moon.



This collection consists of 6 small hares, acting as one transforming running hare. Each small ceramic figure explores a different symbolism or story. â€˜The Omen’ portrays the symbol of madness, ill-health and bad tidings. ‘The Witch’ represents the link between the hare and witches. ‘Story of the Moon’ depicts how the Hare image got into the moon. â€˜The Goddess’ celebrates the numerous Hare-headed Goddesses. ‘The Egg’ illustrates the origin of the Easter Bunny and ‘The Jackalope’ represents the story behind the mythical North American horned Hare.


All of the small figures centre around the largest piece; ‘The Lunar Hare’. This piece acts as a centre point and symbolises the many cultures whose Hare symbolisms revolve around the idea of the moon. Two other large pieces accompany her, 'The Mad Hare' and a standing Jackalope entitled ‘Origin of a Jackalope

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